EKS won the prestigious National Award in Career Counselling for the 4th time

It is with great pleasure we can announce that for the forth time, EKS has won an award at the National Award in Career Counselling organized by the Euroguidance center.
In 2012, we made it to the 1st place in the category Career Counselling for Adults with our comprehensive education program for foreigners. The jury of the competition was especially impressed with our sophisticated CMS development system for clients and with how we combine training and counselling methods. The following year we scored once again with our teaching approach in counselling and EKS trainer Helena Košťálová won the first award ever given in the category for individuals.
And in 2014 we received an honorable mention for creating the interactive manual "Navigating the World of Work", which is intended for all those who are looking for work, who are considering changing jobs or who are seeking to balance work and personal life. It can also be used by counsellors working with clients.
This year in 2017 we were awarded for our new book The Diverse world of career guidance - for involvetion kids to the career methodology. The book was created with the cooperation of pupils from the elementary school who had a chance to try different kinds of jobs from the writer to the publisher.
You can dowload the book in english here.